Monday, September 10, 2007

An important public service announcement

Do you wear a bluetooth headset wherever you go, whether you're expecting an important call or not? Have you ever slept with your headset on? Have you ever worn two headsets at the same time? Then you may have a problem and this message is for you.

Sure, bluetooth technology is great and powerful. But with great power comes great responsibility. And you've gotta be responsible enough to take the headset off when you're not on a call. I'm sure you think it makes you look cool, and I'm sure all your friends are doing it too, but it doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look like an ass. And when you're with your friends and you're all wearing your headsets together, it compounds that assness to the point that the people around you may start thinking about harming you physically.

Maybe you think it makes you look important. Well let me tell you something. No one in the world is so important that they have to be ready to answer an incoming call on the first ring. Well, maybe Oracle. But you're not Oracle, are you? Unless you are, in which case ... cool.

If you want to wear it at the office, or even while you're driving, hey that's fine. But if you're in social situations outside of work hours, you don't need it. It gives people the impression that you're only half listening to them when they speak to you. Plus, if you've got one of the models with the light that flashes every few seconds, that's REALLY distracting. It makes you look like Geordi La Forge without his visor on.

Just take it off. Your family misses you. If you don't want to do it for yourself, then do it for them.

This has been a public service announcement from Andy, who reminds you to "just take it off."

1 comment:

Jason Ellis said...

I like them, though I'd never wear them myself. I think they make people look like the leader of Stormwatch off of that comic from the 90s.